Enough. One word. So many emotions. I’ve said it to the server at our favorite Italian place as she grated a gracious amount of Parmesan cheese on my meal. I’ve growled it through gritted teeth at a child testing my patience. I’ve asked it of a friend to find out if I’ve given advice that helped her with a difficult decision. I’ve complained about not having it in various measures. My Mama said it in a way I’ll never forget. We were looking through photo albums after returning home from her 80th birthday party and she started reminiscing about her childhood. My parents both grew up poor, especially by today’s standards. Mama’s parents at least owned some property. I heard a lot of the same stories my friends heard from their parents: one pair of shoes, outhouses, taking breaks from school to work in the fields. The stories reached some measure of legendary status as my brother, sister and I would finish them, “and you walked uphill both ways!” They would laugh but, as I’ve become responsible for myself and my family, I’ve marveled at how far they’ve come from their childhoods and wondered if I would have done as well in the same situation. Turns out, it becomes a matter of attitude as reflected by her musing that night. I wrote her words down after we said goodnight because the gentleness with which she said them touched my heart. She said, “When I was young, and the nights were hot, I would lie with my head at the foot of the bed because it was nearer the window. Through the window, I would look at the starry sky and the cotton fields and notice how the tin roof of the barn gleamed in the spotlight of the moon. I could hear the soft lowing of the cows in the pasture and I was happy. Right now, I can think of those nights and it seems as clear to me as anything I did last week. We were poor people, but I never felt that I didn’t have enough. Somehow her parents had given her the gift of the attitude of contentment. They labored for every bit of food they ate and every material thing they possessed but shared generously with neighbors. They didn’t complain…just did the best they could with what they had. No jealousy. No whining. It’s an admirable lifestyle that I tried to infuse into my children despite my sporadic failures to adhere to it. Contentment seems to be ridiculed in our society. The beauty of it has been lost and it is too often associated with laziness or lack of ambition or imagination, but that’s not what I heard when I heard Mama say ‘enough.’ I heard thankfulness for the simple things: for a bed to sleep on, a roof over her head, and a window that allowed the evening breeze to cool her on a sticky summer night.

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Such a wonderful story of your mom! You have a tremendous way with words to tell a tale that makes me feel like I was there! You have an awesome talent!
Thank you Cindi and Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Contentment is a virture! Renee, for Mother’s Day I wish for you contentment (but I suspect you already have it)! Great post!
You know me, Eddie! Thanks!
I love this, Renee. I always tell people that my mom was the most content person I’ve ever known. She, too, grew up with very little. Thanks for a reminder to me to recognize when it’s enough!
I know I didn’t get to know her long, but your mom was great! Happy Mother’s Day to you!
A nice read…very descriptive
I’ve heard the stories, too.
I remember we used to end those stories, not being “uphill both ways”; but “and you had to walk to school in the snow with no shoes.” That’s just my memory.
Mama (our Mama) spends every Friday night with me. We watch a movie , work a puzzle or sometimes just talk. When we lay our heads on the pillows to go to sleep, we talk some more. I’ve learned a lot of things. Precious times….
I’m so glad you get those precious times together! That’s a beautiful silver lining to the cloud of PD and other issues you live with. I know she treasures those movie nights and pillow talks, too. Happy Mother’s Day. Love you!
This brought back memories of my mother and her stories. She worked the cotton fields and said her hands would be bleeding from the thorns but she knew it had to be done and didn’t complain.
I loved your mother’s beautiful insight to “simplicity”, “contentment “. If only we could grasp a glimpse of this and dose it out to everyone wouldn’t this world be a better place. I love your stories. Never stop writing my friend.
There’s a big difference between what we think of as hard work and what our parents actually did…had to do to live. Thinking of it is a good way to keep me from complaining.
Thanks for the encouragement!, sweet friend! ?